Posted on March 23, 2020March 23, 2020With all of the talk about #growyourowntp this week, now seems as good a time as any to spread more seed on this #mullein #hugelkultur nursery bed.#thankyourain#seasonalwork#growyourown#butnothingbeatsabidet#orchard#latewinter#theproblemisthesolution #designforthefuture#permaculturefarm #healthyfarmer#truesustainability#permaculture#permacultura #holistichealth#observeandinteract
Posted on March 23, 2020March 23, 2020Who would have guessed that I would find so many #wildandwonderfulwv creatures while pruning my #grimesgolden apple tree?#symbiosis#seasonalwork#appleorchard#localapples #latewinter#farmcat#theproblemisthesolution #designforthefuture#permaculturefarm #healthyfarmer#truesustainability#permaculture#permacultura #holistichealth#observeandinteract
Posted on March 23, 2020March 23, 2020While full Spring, with its luscious perennial herb-flower-weed salads, is months away, you can liven up your chilly late February with a visit to the #winterbluesfarmersmarket2020 on Saturday. Visit the Scion Design booth and connect with me about your permaculture questions. I will have a variety of @vernal_vibe_rise belly and body products from my farm as well. See you there!#wvsmallfarmsconference #permaculturewomen #selfcare#livepermaculture #permaculturefarm #healthyfarmer#selfcarewhilefarming#truesustainability#permaculture#permacultura #holistichealth#observeandinteract